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James Quinn

Katie Lamond recognised as inspiring female of the year.

COLBC is delighted to announce that following nominations from across the region, Coach Katie Lamond has been named by Basketball England as the winner of the "All Girls Inspiring Female Of The Year" award for the Yorkshire region.

Katie was humble in her delight at being recognised by the governing body for the work and commitment she gives to the sport:

"For someone who didn't begin their sporting journey in basketball, I understand the importance of having role models to inspire something within you. I wouldn't have made it to where I am without them. I'm very fortunate to be involved in multiple different basketball outlets, a journey which wouldn't have been possible without those who inspired me, so to receive this recognition is incredibly humbling.

Well done to everyone. Those on the awards list, and those who are not. We all work hard to be the best for the people we are around and for the people that we coach. It's an incredible community sport, in which everyone deserves recognition for their involvement.

COLBC Director Matt Newby was proud to see Katie's position as a role model for young people in our region being recognised:

"The City Of Leeds basketball family and broader basketball community that we service, are really proud of Katie’s achievement. Having grown up within the club environment, she has maximised the opportunities that are available to her and has become a great young female coach who works in every tier of our pathway.

Most recently she was appointed as the Aspire Head Coach for Yorkshire, which is another glowing endorsement of the journey she has taken. As a former Leeds Beckett University student, she has the opportunity to practice the degree that she was so passionate about engaging in. We are thankful for her time and energies, all she has given, and will continue to give to the club."

Any young female players or aspiring coaches who wish to be involved in the game, are encouraged to get in touch now by emailing

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